Eye of the Serpent


Gnostic lore holds that all people are born without the knowledge of their true nature or identity. They suggested a cosmic brat named the Demiurge decided to withhold human birthright, purpose, and power from humankind. Not so different from the actual course of history as people are just now awakening to their potential, freedoms, and inherent will in our modern era. People are waking up to the fact that belief in superstitious gods who seek our destruction or blessing is an old ball and chain keeping us from realizing that we alone are the Gods and Goddesses of our lives.

Some scholars suggest that a precursor to Gnostic cosmology was the Greek religion of Orphism. The silver cosmic egg from which Phanes, the bright and glorious manifestation of created light manifested in their myths symbolizes the illumination which is discovered in Luciferian Gnosis. This seems to allegorically suggest that pre-Christian Gnostic people desired to live as gods themselves. Adorned with a serpent, androgynous, filled with creative ability and destructive as well. The possible
mythic precursor to many Lucifers to come. Phanes manifested out of the watery abyss to give birth to the universe. This reminds me of how Gnosis is the creation of new life, light ,and balance via the divine nature of the mind. Ophite Gnostics viewed the serpent as a liberating symbol as well. What has been noted as our great evil is actually our greatest asset as many are discovering just by re thinking their philosophy.

Why is it that the serpent is so deeply connected to the idea of pure evil? Is it possible that Gnostics held a very dangerous idea that would inevitably cause the death of superstitious faith in a sadistic father who wishes the torture and suffering of his children? In Gnostic myth, the serpent is considered the Lucifer  or “light bringer” and liberator of humankind. And what is the knowledge of good and evil that was and is today still considered so taboo? Could it be that good and evil are a myth made up to scare people and not pitted against one another? Many are facing the realization that the false paradigm of duality never existed at all. The possibility of humans discarding the need for faith, guilt, and religious servitude is staggering. Civilised society insists that religion and the false sense of guilt for even existing at all is the cause of a significant part of this sickness called self-hate.
Many who create Luciferian Gnosis seek not the Union of the Mind with the Pleroma, nor the illumination of old Christian symbols. Servitude to this great egregore called interdepenancy that is used to enslave people to the “Universe” by only giving honor to the socially acceptable part of our nature seems to do nothing but bind people to yet another false paradigm. The symbol of the serpent represents our potential to make contact with self actuated enlightenment of the Mind and the re- emergence of the banished beast that we all harbour within yet choose to deny due to the unspoken standards of false righteousness.Awareness of the Phosphorescent spark of awakened consciousness, with the dissolution of the Dualism is the dawn of a new era for those with the bravery to seek it.

The morning star now rises in the minds of those who dare to cast away the bondage of faith and dogma. The serpent now freely awakens in the Psyche of the intellectual, spiritual, and rebellious Lucifers of this age. Those who are not afraid to admit their desire to evolve and cause it to happen. Humankind may now seek their own divinity and sacralise the hidden primal dragon who is our intellect and discard the unneeded falsehood of a curse which never happened. The lie that we are incapable of taking responsibility for ourselves is exposed with every new innovation and creative ability for those who dare to explore it. Faith in the self, with no restrictions as to the potential to create new realities is the symbol of Phanes, giving birth to a personal universe contained within the hidden reaches of the subconscious.

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